Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I was the hostess with the mostest this Easter Weekend.

On Good Friday Mr. Smith and I held the 2nd Annual BBQ & Bonfire out at his place. There was some freshly caught white bass fried up for all the Catholics too! Oh and of course no bonfire due to the incredible burn ban going on in the whole state of Texas. I'd talk more about it but I don't have one single picture from the night to prove it. Not the 16 feet of food, not the cooler filled with beer, not the huge jump house....not even a single guest.


On a brighter note: My game was on Sunday for making Easter Lunch.

Ribeye Steaks
Tiger Prawns
Spring Salad
Deviled Eggs
Goat Cheese Mashers
Rosemary Olive Oil Bread
Cherry Cheese Cream Pie

Love & Later -


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